Quality Products

Class 900 Standard Connection Flanges


Long Weld Neck "LWN"


Heavy Barrel "HB"


Equal Barrel "E"

Size     Flange     Barrel OD     Bolting     Nut     Stud Bolt     Weights           Length
Nom Bore LWN & E Bore HB OD Thk RF of OD LWN HB E # ofHoles Hole Size Bolt Circle Stop Dia Relief Dia Relief Length Size RF Length RTJ Length LWN   HB   E   Base
  B T D D D     C NS NR NL       Base Per 1" Base Per 1" Base Per 1" L
 ½ 0.5 0.55 4.75 0.88 1.38 1.56 2 4.75 4 0.88 3.25 2 1.56 1 ¾   4 ¼ 4 ¼ 8 0.5 10 0.8 37 5 9
 ¾ 0.75 0.74 5.12 1 1.69 1.81 2.25 5.12 4 0.88 3.5 2.25 1.81 1 ¾   4 ½ 4 ½ 10 0.6 13 1 42 5.7 9
1 1 0.96 5.88 1.12 2 2.12 2.56 5.88 4 1 4 2.56 2.12 1.12 ⅞  5 5 13 0.8 17 1.3 54 7.5 9
1 ¼ 1.25 1.28 6.25 1.12 2.5 2.5 2.94 6.25 4 1 4.38 2.94 2.5 1.12 ⅞  5 5 17 1 20 1.6 61 8.3 9
1 ½ 1.5 1.5 7 1.25 2.88 2.75 3.25 7 4 1.12 4.88 3.25 2.75 1.25 1 5 ½ 5 ½ 21 1.2 26 1.9 77 10 9
2 2 1.94 8.5 1.5 3.62 4.12 5.06 8.5 8 1 6.5 5.06 4.12 1.12 ⅞  5 ¾ 5 ¾ 42 2.9 56 4.9 115 15 9
2 ½ 2.5 2.32 9.62 1.62 4.12 4.88 5.88 9.62 8 1.12 7.5 5.88 4.88 1.25 1 6 ¼ 6 ¼ 56 3.9 75 6.5 144 19 9
3 3 2.9 9.5 1.5 5 5 6.06 9.5 8 1 7.5 6.06 5 1.12 ⅞  5 ¾ 5 ¾ 51 3.6 71 6.3 139 18 9
4 4 3.83 11.5 1.75 6.19 6.25 7.44 11.5 8 1.25 9.25 7.44 6.25 1.38 1 ⅛  6 ¾ 6 ¾ 93 5.1 133 9.1 270 26 12
5 5 4.81 13.75 2 7.31 7.5 9 13.75 8 1.38 11 9 7.5 1.5 1 ¼ 7 ½ 7 ½ 135 7 194 13 376 37 12
6 6 5.76 15 2.19 8.5 9.25 10.69 15 12 1.25 12.5 10.69 9.25 1.38 1 ⅛ 7 ½ 7 ¾ 191 11 259 18 436 42 12
8 8 7.62 18.5 2.5 10.62 11.75 13.31 18.5 12 1.5 15.5 13.31 11.75 1.62 1 3/8 8 ¾ 8 ¾ 297 16 389 27 626 62 12
10 10 9.56 21.5 2.75 12.75 14.5 16.31 21.5 16 1.5 18.5 16.31 14.5 1.62 1 3/8 9 ¼ 9 ¼ 422 25 558 39 824 81 12
12 12 11.38 24 3.12 15 16.5 18.81 24 20 1.5 21 18.81 16.5 1.62 1 3/8 10    10 518 29 715 50 984 96 12
14 14 14 25.25 3.38 16.25 17.75 19.62 25.25 20 1.62 22 19.62 17.75 1.75 1 ½ 10 ¾ 11 624 26 817 42 1368 98 16
16 16 16 27.75 3.5 18.5 20 21.69 27.75 20 1.75 24.25 21.69 20 1.88 1 ⅝ 11 ¼ 11 ½ 750 32 942 48 1573 114 16
18 18 18 31 4 21 22.25 24.06 31 20 2 27 24.06 22.25 2.12 1 ⅞ 12 ¾ 13 ¼ 950 38 1169 57 1898 142 16
20 20 20 33.75 4.25 23 24.5 26.38 33.75 20 2.12 29.5 26.38 24.5 2.25 2 13 ¾ 14 ¼ 1121 43 1378 66 2182 164 16
24 24 24 41 5.5 27.25 29.5 31.62 41 20 2.62 35.5 31.62 29.5 2.75 2 ½ 17 ¼ 18 1865 65 2160 94 3084 246 16

Dimensions are in inches. Weights are in pounds.

About Company

In the lifeline of industries, our fittings make sure pipeline in fact life lines of our industries are in perfect fit always. we at Quality Forge & Fitting always strive to make fittings & flanges that are excellent in quality,rich in material content and made to perfection that will last forever.

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  • acs certificate
  • PSA Quality Certification Ltd
+91 22 6639 4542
+91 9619 352 777