AWWA Standard Steel-Ring Flange [ 86 psi* ]


Table 2 Class 2B (Blinds from Table 7)

Thickness Drilling Weight
Nom Size OD Slip-On Blind Bore Bolt Circle Hole Dia # of Holes Slip-on Blind
4 9 0.625 0.625 4.57 7.5 0.75 8 8 11
5 10 0.625 0.625 5.66 8.5 0.875 8 9 14
6 11 0.688 0.688 6.72 9.5 0.875 8 11 19
8 13.5 0.688 0.688 8.72 11.75 0.875 8 15 28
10 16 0.688 0.688 10.88 14.25 1 12 19 39
12 19 0.688 0.719 12.88 17 1 12 28 58
14 21 0.688 0.791 14.19 18.75 1.125 12 34 78
16 23.5 0.688 0.892 16.19 21.25 1.125 16 41 110
18 25 0.688 0.95 18.19 22.75 1.25 16 41 132
20 27.5 0.688 1.04 20.19 25 1.25 20 49 175
22 29.5 0.75 1.132 22.19 27.25 1.375 20 57 219
24 32 0.75 1.216 24.19 29.5 1.375 20 67 277
26 34.25 0.812 1.307 26.19 31.75 1.375 24 80 341
28 36.5 0.875 1.398 28.19 34 1.375 28 94 414
30 38.75 0.875 1.477 30.19 36 1.375 28 105 493
32 41.75 0.936 1.581 32.19 38.5 1.625 28 132 613
34 43.75 0.938 1.661 34.19 40.5 1.625 32 137 707
36 46 1 1.751 36.19 42.75 1.625 32 161 824
38 48.75 1 1.853 38.19 45.25 1.625 32 185 980
40 50.75 1 1.933 40.19 47.25 1.625 36 193 1108
42 53 1.125 2.023 42.19 49.5 1.625 36 234 1264
44 55.25 1.125 2.114 44.19 51.75 1.625 40 249 1436
46 57.25 1.125 2.194 46.19 53.75 1.625 40 260 1600
48 59.5 1.25 2.285 48.19 56 1.625 44 306 1800
50 61.75 1.25 2.377 50.19 58.25 1.875 44 317 2017
52 64 1.25 2.468 52.19 60.5 1.875 44 339 2249
54 66.25 1.375 2.559 54.19 62.75 1.875 44 397 2499
60 73 1.5 2.82 60.19 69.25 1.875 52 508 3344
66 80 1.625 3.092 66.19 76 1.875 52 664 4403
72 86.5 1.75 3.353 72.19 82.5 1.875 60 802 5582
78 93 2 ... 78.19 89 2.125 64 1000 ...
84 99.75 2 ... 84.19 95.5 2.125 64 1145 ...
90 106.5 2.25 ... 90.19 102 2.438 68 1404 ...
96 113.25 2.25 ... 96.19 108.5 2.438 68 1586 ...
102 120 2.5 ... 102.19 114.5 2.688 72 1912 ...
108 126.75 2.5 ... 108.19 120.75 2.688 72 2136 ...
114 133.5 2.75 ... 114.19 126.75 2.938 76 2525 ...
120 140.25 2.75 ... 120.19 132.75 2.938 76 2795 ...
126 147 3 ... 126.19 139.25 3.188 80 3252 ...
132 153.75 3 ... 132.19 145.75 3.188 80 3572 ...
138 160.5 3.25 ... 138.19 152 3.438 84 4101 ...
144 167.25 3.25 ... 144.19 158.25 3.438 84 4475 ...

Dimensions are in inches. Weights are in pounds.

Notes: (a) - *Pressure rating at atmospheric temperature is 86 psi. (b) - These flanges have the same OD and drilling as ANSI/ASME B16.1 class 125 cast-iron flanges. (d) - In sizes 24in. and smaller, they also match ANSI/ASME B16.5 150-psi standard for steel flanges.

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In the lifeline of industries, our fittings make sure pipeline in fact life lines of our industries are in perfect fit always. we at Quality Forge & Fitting always strive to make fittings & flanges that are excellent in quality,rich in material content and made to perfection that will last forever.

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  • acs certificate
  • PSA Quality Certification Ltd


+91 22 6639 4542 | +91 9619 352 777

4/9th Khetwadi Lane,
Pavapuri Co-operative Hsg.Soc.Ltd,
Mumbai - 400 004